Predictive Modeling
DonorScape Predictive Modeling helps you to identify constituents who are most likely to support your organization in the areas of major, annual, and planned giving. With premium third-party demographic information and critical attributes such as past giving, DonorScape Predictive Modeling evaluates prospects based on their overall household wealth and rates their propensity for giving to your institution. This modeling generates independent scores for different types and levels of giving.
The resulting analytics describe each prospect with codes for major gift inclination, annual gift target amount, and planned gift likelihood, as well as a series of household profile codes for marketing communications and targeting purposes.
Predictive modeling takes into consideration a broad range of variables that correlate to specific giving behaviors, such as:
- Timing of giving to your organization.
- Relationship and participation factors unique to your organization, including current and prior volunteer involvement, leadership status, event attendance, and other engagement measures.
- Demographic elements that are proven predictors for giving.
- Wealth indicators, including estimated household income and home market value.
- For healthcare organizations, additional information includes department of service, treating physician, and outcome.